A settlement protection trust, often referred to as a spendthrift trust, helps provide financial flexibility and controlled liquidity to a plaintiff who experiences a major change in his or her financial position following the settlement of a personal injury claim. This alternative funding device to periodic payments can be used alone or in combination with an annuity. It can help provide spendthrift protection, liquidity and flexibility.
The trust best serves plaintiffs who have future needs that are uncertain, unpredictable, subject to adjustment and/or are event contingent. A settlement protection trust can:
Help prohibit the sale of payments to settlement discounters, meaning more protection of the funds.
Produce more income as interest rates rise.
Supplement periodic payments during unemployment or other added need.
Be combined with annuities for a more balanced structure.
Avoid approval or involvement of the defendant to establish.
Limit personal discretion to protect the injured party.
O financiamento para um fundo de proteção de liquidação pode vir de qualquer fonte, como do autor por meio de liquidação em dinheiro ou pagamentos de uma anuidade de liquidação estruturada. As distribuições podem ser para muitas coisas que um beneficiário precisa, incluindo saúde, bem-estar, educação e necessidades emergenciais.
A NFP Structured Settlements trabalha com parceiros que fornecem os serviços necessários para estabelecer e manter fundos de proteção de acordos.

Saiba mais sobre esses tipos comuns de fundos fiduciários: