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Konsiltan, planifikatè finansye, avoka, pwofesyonèl asirans, paralegal ak pwofesyonèl swen sante nan NFP Structured Settlements se pami moun ki gen plis resous, dilijan, ak eksperyans nan endistri a. Nou devwe pou ede kliyan yo maksimize lajan règleman yo epi asire objektif alontèm yo.

Nou menm tou nou sansib pou chanjman lavi difisil kliyan gen anpil chans ap fè fas a. Apwòch pèsonèl nou an te ede dè dizèn de milye kliyan konprann sa ki ka yon lòt fason yon desizyon konplike - men kritik. Men jis sis nan rezon pou w chwazi NFP Structured Settlements:


Plis atansyon a bezwen inik kliyan yo

Objektif nou se sèvi sikonstans inik kliyan nou an. Pou reyalize sa, nou premye koute kliyan nou yo epi aprann sou bezwen yo ak objektif yo.

Konsiltan pwofesyonèl estriktire règleman nou yo travay youn-a-one ak kliyan yo konplètman konprann sitiyasyon pèsonèl yo ak pi byen abòde bezwen aktyèl yo ak nan lavni. Nou fè yon analiz detaye ak yon evalyasyon kontinyèl sou depans ak obligasyon aktyèl yo ak bezwen alavni yo oswa moun yo renmen yo fè fas jodi a epi planifye pou demen.

Règleman kliyan nou yo ap konsidere klèman gen yon enpak enpòtan sou lavi, swen ak avni yo ak moun yo renmen yo. Antanke patnè yo, se pi gwo responsablite nou pou nou gide yo avèk ladrès atravè pwosesis règleman estriktire yo.


Ranpli resous finansye

Kòm yon pati nan NFP, yon dirijan distribitè nasyonal asirans, trusts, benefis, sirans vi ak solisyon jesyon richès, NFP Structured Settlements kapab tou bay kliyan resous finansye enpòtan konplemantè ak yon règleman estriktire, tankou asirans sante, trusts, jesyon richès, ak asirans aksidan pwopriyete.

Nou ofri planifikasyon finansye, jesyon richès, ak sèvis konfyans ki ka enkli trusts pou bezwen espesyal, trusts pwoteksyon règleman ak kont mete sou kote Medicare.


Trust sèvis ak administrasyon

Trust services are part of NFP Structured Settlements’ mission to provide plaintiffs with a holistic planning experience. Over the course of our years in the industry, we’ve seen how a well-balanced settlement plan often includes both a structured settlement and a trust. An injured plaintiff receiving a settlement must determine the appropriate allocation to each vehicle.


In our unique process at NFP Structured Settlements, we work with NFP-owned trust administration company, NDC Advisors, as well as our team of nurses, attorneys, accountants and settlement planners. Together, we devise an appropriate long-term plan utilizing both a structured settlement and a trust to best suit our client’s individual near-term needs and long-term goals.


Koneksyon ak lòt sipò kritik

At NFP Structured Settlements, we care about our clients. We recognize the medical and emotional challenges clients may be facing. We may not be able to directly help with non-financial matters; however, we can guide clients to experts who can thanks to our network of resources and service providers.

Our relationship with National Care Advisors (NCA) can help provide unique nurse consulting to assist with client’s individual needs. NCA helps identify costs associated with unique care needs – and can provide personalized care management designed to meet those needs.

NCA helps ensure quality of life now – and throughout the client’s lifetime. For more information about NCA, ask us or visit


Pran swen, sèvis kontinyèl

Byen lontan apre yo fin finalize yon antant, NFP Structured Settlements rete patnè kliyan nou an, angaje l pou l bay konsèy yo bezwen ak repons pou nenpòt kesyon yo ka genyen. Nou fyè dèske nou bay pi wo nivo sèvis nan chak etap nan sik lavi règleman an.

Laughing Kids
Refere Yon Ka

Bezwen yon quote sou yon estriktire


Kontakte youn nan konsiltan nou yo

Sèvis konfyans

Aprann enfòmasyon sou trusts pou bezwen espesyal, trusts mèt, trusts pwoteksyon règleman, ak sèvis yo nan konpayi administrasyon trust NFP.

Nou la pou ede
Imèl nou: oswa rele nou: 800.229.2228
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Pou poze kesyon jeneral oswa fè kòmantè jeneral, imèl nou nan oswa rele nou nan 800.229.2228.

NFP Structured Settlements se youn nan pi gwo ak pi ansyen konpayi règleman estriktire nan peyi Etazini. Li gen plis pase 5 milya dola nan prim anwite yo mete pou benefis pati blese yo. Konsiltan sètifye règleman estriktire li yo se pami ki pi kreyatif, enèjik ak kondwi nan endistri a. Manm ekip yo gen ladan yo avoka, pwofesyonèl asirans, planifikatè finansye ak paralegal.

NFP Structures se yon sipòtè totalman posede nan NFP.

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