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WILLIAM S. GOODMAN, Licenciado en Ciencias en Letras, Licenciado en Ciencias Sociales

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Bill is president, CEO, and co-founder of NFP Structured Settlements. He has over 33 years of structured settlement and trust experience. Bill began his career in 1991 in the periodic payment department of a major life insurance company and has grown his business to become one of the top producers in the industry. Since those early years, he has helped over 30,000 injured people throughout the country with structured settlements and settlement planning. Bill also is a founder and part owner of a national trust company with over $2 Billion in assets under management.

Bill works closely with attorneys and their clients. He takes the time to understand the injured parties' needs and he thoughtfully presents settlement options, including structured settlements, trusts, and other products, to ensure that injured people can maximize their settlement proceeds and create long-term security. He has extensive knowledge about complex financing, trusts, and the integration of public benefits that are often critical in reaching a settlement.

In addition to running two successful companies, he has worked on behalf of the structured settlement industry by lobbying to protect the rights of all parties in the structured settlement process. He is an active member of the National Structured Settlement Trade Association (NSSTA) and is a frequent speaker for numerous trial lawyer associations including the Inner Circle of Advocates.


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Michael, director de National Financial Partners (NFP), es socio gerente de NFP Structured Settlements, con oficinas en Florida, Ohio, Pensilvania, Virginia Occidental, California y Georgia. Michael, uno de los 550 consultores certificados en acuerdos estructurados del país, ha estado activo en la industria de las estructuras desde 1991 y ha generado más de 1500 millones de dólares en anualidades de acuerdos estructurados en ese tiempo. Ha participado en más casos que cualquier otro consultor del país. Además de gestionar acuerdos estructurados de NFP, Michael trabaja con abogados demandantes y sus clientes en todo el país presentando opciones de acuerdos estructurados y coordinando esfuerzos para garantizar que los demandantes sigan recibiendo todos los beneficios públicos disponibles.

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Para hacer preguntas o comentarios generales, envíenos un correo electrónico a o llámenos al 800.229.2228.

NFP Structured Settlements es una de las empresas de acuerdos estructurados más grandes y antiguas de los Estados Unidos. Tiene más de 5 mil millones de dólares en primas de anualidades colocadas para el beneficio de las partes lesionadas. Sus consultores certificados en acuerdos estructurados se encuentran entre los más creativos, enérgicos y motivados de la industria. Los miembros del equipo incluyen abogados, profesionales de seguros, planificadores financieros y asistentes legales.

NFP Structures es una subsidiaria de propiedad absoluta de NFP.

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