وليام س. جودمان، MSL، CSSC

يقيم بيل في بيتسبرغ بولاية بنسلفانيا، وهو رئيس ومؤسس مشارك لشركة NFP Structured Settlements ولديه أكثر من 30 عامًا من الخبرة في مجال التسوية المنظمة. وقد تلقى تدريبه الأولي في قسم الدفع الدوري في إحدى شركات التأمين على الحياة الكبرى، حيث تعلم الصناعة من الداخل والخارج. وقد شارك في تصميم وتثبيت وخدمة مزايا التسوية المنظمة المستمرة لعشرات الآلاف من المصابين في جميع أنحاء البلاد. كما عمل أيضًا نيابة عن الصناعة من خلال الضغط لحماية حقوق جميع الأطراف في عملية التسوية المنظمة.
مايكل دبليو جودمان، محامٍ، حاصل على شهادة في الخدمة المدنية

Michael is the managing partner of NFP Structured Settlements. Michael has been active in the structure industry since 1991 and has been the leading consultant in the country having produced over $2.5 Billion in structured settlement annuities in that time. Michael also specializes in trusts. He is a founder and part owner of a national trust company with over $2 Billion in assets under management. He has been involved in more mass torts and international cases than any other settlement consultant in the country.
Michael works with attorneys and their clients throughout the United States and internationally. He expertly presents settlement options, including structured settlements, trusts, and other products, to ensure that clients can efficiently resolve cases and create long-term security for plaintiffs.
Michael was in Nairobi and Dar Salaam, Africa in the first case of its kind assisting victims of terrorism and their families. He was selected by a group of international lawyers to work with the victims and then confirmed by the State Department and Department of Justice.
He is the Past President of the National Structured Settlement Trade Association where he served two terms in 2015 and 2021. He led the way in changing and strengthening the Structured Settlement Protection Act’s (SSPA) laws in five states, providing more protection for structured settlement recipients.