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"Anyone settling a personal injury claim should seriously consider a structured settlement as part of their plan for financial recovery.

Structured settlements can stretch settlement funds by providing tax free payments for lost income, medical bills or other future needs, which delivers tremendous long-term security for injured people and their families. Berkshire Hathaway is proud to be a leading provider of structured settlement annuities."

- Warren Buffett


Structured Settlement Advantages


Plaintiff Attorneys

In addition to helping your clients maximize their settlement proceeds, with a structured settlement, an attorney can spread out legal fees over years, possibly avoiding a higher marginal tax bracket and allowing the money saved by deferring current taxes to be invested with little risk and no management fees. The payment stream to the attorney is independent of that of the client.

Defense Attorneys

A structured settlement closes the gap when both sides are far apart on a settlement. It can meet a plaintiff’s needs for security and provide more benefits over time than a single, lump-sum settlement. Defendants can offer payout options and provide periodic payments through the purchase of a structured settlement.

Passionate Advocates.
Proven Approach.

Our professionals will help you develop payment streams to cover medical bills and equipment, other out-of-pocket expenses while also providing money up front for immediate concerns. Future outlays – from long-term care to mortgage payments, education, spousal support, retirement, and any other potential needs receive full consideration.


We are over 7,700 passionate people
helping people.

Our consultants, financial planners, attorneys, insurance professionals, paralegals and healthcare professionals are among the most resourceful, diligent, and experienced in the industry. We are dedicated to helping you maximize your settlement money and secure your long-term goals.

Why NFP Structured Settlements


Attention to Your Unique Needs


Complete Financial Resources


Trust Services and Administration



Eric Romano
Romano Law Group
"When it comes to navigating the many pitfalls that can arise after a settlement, I trust Michael Goodman and his team at NFP Structured Settlements. He takes the time to understand each client's needs and to develop a custom-fit strategy to meet them. His compassionate, caring approach helps each client feel comfortable in developing a plan to best meet their unique goals, and his expertise gives me peace of mind knowing that my client's needs will be protected long after the case is over."
Stuart Z. Grossman
Grossman Roth Yaffa Cohen
"Twenty-five years ago I first became acquainted with an emerging structured settlement expert whom I felt was going to be a Superstar in the field. After all, the field really started with the late John Odom when he left the Patient's Compensation Fund. But there wasn't what I call a “Plaintiff’s consultant” until I met Michael Goodman. He came from the Midwest, from a highly successful insurance family agency and he had a fresh approach to my needs for creativity and individualized treatment of each client. I recommend him highly. He will help maximize your client's recoveries and your credibility in mediation and ancillary negotiations."

Contact NFP Structured Settlements

For a quote on a specific case, please use one of our refer a case forms. To ask general questions or make general comments:
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For general questions or comments, email us at or call

us at 800.229.2228.

©NFP Structured Settlements. 

All Rights Reserved.

NFP Structured Settlements is one of the largest and oldest structured settlement firms in the United States. It has over $5 billion in annuity premiums placed for the benefit of injured parties. Its certified structured settlement consultants are among the most creative, energetic, and driven in the industry. Team members include attorneys, insurance professionals, financial planners, and paralegals. NFP Structured Settlements is a wholly owned subsidiary of NFP, an Aon Company.

NFP and its subsidiaries do not provide tax or legal advice. Please consult with your tax or legal advisor regarding your personal situation.

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