Structured Settlement Advantages

Plaintiff Attorneys
In addition to helping your clients maximize their settlement proceeds, with a structured settlement, an attorney can spread out legal fees over years, possibly avoiding a higher marginal tax bracket and allowing the money saved by deferring current taxes to be invested with little risk and no management fees. The payment stream to the attorney is independent of that of the client.
Defense Attorneys
A structured settlement closes the gap when both sides are far apart on a settlement. It can meet a plaintiff’s needs for security and provide more benefits over time than a single, lump-sum settlement. Defendants can offer payout options and provide periodic payments through the purchase of a structured settlement.

Passionate Advocates.
Proven Approach.
Our professionals will help you develop payment streams to cover medical bills and equipment, other out-of-pocket expenses while also providing money up front for immediate concerns. Future outlays – from long-term care to mortgage payments, education, spousal support, retirement, and any other potential needs receive full consideration.

We are over 7,700 passionate people
helping people.
Our consultants, financial planners, attorneys, insurance professionals, paralegals and healthcare professionals are among the most resourceful, diligent, and experienced in the industry. We are dedicated to helping you maximize your settlement money and secure your long-term goals.